Thursday, December 20, 2007

Trans fat reduction going the right way, but more to be done

According to their latest study about trans fat reductions, Health Canada says that more needs to be done to lower the levels of trans fat, although progress is being made.

A trans fat task force recommended in 2006 that processed trans fats should be limited to no more than five percent of total fat.

The federal government then gave the food industry two years to reduce the amount of heart-clogging trans fat in their foods.

Sally Brown, CEO of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada and co-chair of the national trans fat task force, says many companies have made "significant progress in reducing trans fats."

However, she adds that other companies "do not seem to be getting the message" and points to fast food restaurants as the leading culprits, Burger King in particular.

Brown says that Burger King has "unacceptably high levels of trans fat in many of their products" and this makes her wonder if they care about their customers.

Canadian Press and Marketwire

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